Care Delivery – Susan2


Susan2 talks about how her remote monitoring keeps her connected.


I’m very thankful for it, sometimes I just phone up [my nurse] and say, “I’m going on holidays and like I’m not reporting in. So I’ll see you in a couple of days or whatever.” But the other machine that I have at home here is the CareLink machine, which is from Medtronic and it’s for the arrythmias, so at night sometimes it looks like the Northern lights in my room when the machine is working and sending, transmitting and reading my thing, and it transmits up there. And the lights are going all over. You have to kind of cover it over to sleep. And then for weeks it may show nothing, right. But it’s that connection again to the hospital and the care that they can, say, read something, or I can send it myself. I can pick up the little hand-held thing and send the transmission myself and be in contact with them on that basis too, on the electrical side. And so again I just feel so blessed and covered by all of this stuff, like even like you say, the remote monitoring.

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